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This is my place to rant and rave.

The chicken or the egg?

3d printing Posted on Fri, March 05, 2010 20:39:02

Well it’s March already and I already have all the components needed to build a RepRap “Version II” Mendel EXCEPT for the RP parts. So what else is new. There was one set offered on but I got outbid at the last minute.

I then thought about going the same route as nophead (Chris Palmer) and his Hydraraptor and found this XY table on Again got outbid at the last second. I was a little worried about it’s size: 600 mm x 570 mm but it looked like it would have worked very well. I also wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to use my Mendel Gen 3 electronics to drive the thing either…
Have then been thinking about building a RepStrap and despite all the negative messages in the forums still feel that the McWire is the simplest design that is currently well documented! Have been following the German RepRap Foundation as they are building (and selling the components for) a McWire cheaper than what I have found in the hardware stores.

Then I thought before going the McWire route I would appeal one more time in the forum to my fellow reprappers to see if someone might have a set of Mendel RP parts to sell. Coincidentally within hours a post appeared declaring that a complete set of Mendel RP parts is going up for sale on!
And the biggest surprise is the creator of the parts is none other than Adrian Bowyer himself (the father of the RepRap project)! The EBay auction doesn’t end until March 14th so I can’t do anything more as far as obtaining the RP parts (or building a McWire) until I know if I am going to win (or lose) the auction.

So I guess I can at least modify the MakerBot Gen 3 electronics for the RepRap (mostly changing some connectors) and run the tests described in the wiki for the various boards. Also still need to cut out the thin parts from some aluminum that I pulled out of an old hp LaserJet IIIP laser printer. Also removed the stepper motor and fan in case I might need them for something. Also must assemble the v2.1 Opto Endstop kit (well at least 3 of the 6 boards).

I did make one contact on the forums with someone who works in Frankfurt and has a CNC mill so I may go visit him on a weekend when I am ready to add a heated bed to my Mendel (or RepStrap). Already have purchased some aluminum plates on Ebay in anticipation of needing a heated bed since I plan on extruding ABS (at least initially). I really like the design nophead came up with using a kapton covered steel plate magnetically attached to his heated aluminum plate known as the Quick Release Bed!

So I guess it’s hurray up and wait to see if I am the lucky winner (highest bidder) of the Mendel RP parts or not…

UPDATE on 6 March 2010 @ 06:12: Still 8 days to go on the auction and I’ve been outbid twice. Already at 250 English Pounds! smiley

First work on Mendel

3d printing Posted on Sun, January 10, 2010 11:22:34

Even though the plan isn’t to begin working on the RepRap Mendel until February 2010 I have of course been collecting all the necessary materials and since last Wednesday (January, 6th, 2010) was a holiday for portions of Germany a colleague from work (Thomas Mahr) came over with his flex cutter and electric grinding stone and helped me cut my steel bar and studded bar to the appropriate lengths. He also brought some spare 6 mm thick wood and a jig saw so we cut out the frog piece for the Mendel. Yesterday I filed it down to final shape and drilled the holes according to the template. This turned out pretty well and since this is the most difficult thick part to make I will probably do all the other pieces the same way.

This is because laser cut services in U.S.A. or New Zealand are very reasonably priced but the shipping & handling is prohibitive. Supposedly is about to resolve this problem by opening a European service center. Since I will probably have to go the repstrap route I may still make use of their services. Otherwise I have been searching for companies that offer lasercut services in Germany. I have found two such companies and have sent them emails asking for pricing information.

RepRap Version II Mendel for 2010

3d printing Posted on Fri, December 11, 2009 09:53:44

I have been following the RepRap and Fab@Home projects for a couple of years now and yesterday, Thursday, 10 December 2009 decided that my big project for 2010 is to get a RepRap Version II Mendel up and running.


The big problem will be obtaining all the plastic parts that need to be created by another RepRap machine. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

New TC Wörth am Rhein website online

Tennis Posted on Sat, April 04, 2009 10:11:04

Well the deed is done.

At 09:00 MEZ on Saturday, April 4th 2009 the new Joomla based website for the TC Wörth am Rhein tennis club went on-line.


Now all I have to do is keep it up-to-date…

Building a web site…

Tennis Posted on Sat, February 21, 2009 11:26:29

The TC Wörth am Rhein website needs to get a facelift and as the current webmaster has been doing the work in handwritten HTML and CSS we thought it might be time to updated to a more moder CMS that gives more flexability with less work.

And I am elected to do it…

When will I ever learn to keep my mouth shut?

Hobby player tennis list

Tennis Posted on Fri, June 13, 2008 22:33:32

Received an Excel file with a list of hobby player telephone numbers and addresses.
Will use my TheBook program to create a DRAFT telephone book and then obtain handy numbers from those tennis players that done have one already listed.
Will also ask who doesn’t want to be in the phone book and ask other players that might want to be in the phone book. When complete will print copies for all interested.

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Teams for 2008-2009

Chess Posted on Tue, June 10, 2008 11:44:25

Tonight is the night!

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We will decide the composition and number of teams for the 2008-2009 season starting at 20:00 at the Bienwaldhalle, Wörth.

If you don’t show – don’t complain…

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